As a follow up to my last post, I want to share a little more about Gray’s Beach in Yarmouth Port, MA. I have been visiting this spot ever since my parents purchased a condo, just 5 minutes down the road from there, a few years ago.
There are nicer beaches in the area for swimming and sunbathing, but none have the photo opportunities that Gray’s Beach hold. Everywhere you look is another perfect “Cape Cod View”. I won’t go into much detail now, but I have many images over the years that should explain what I mean. I will be posting my favorites in the next few posts.
The Bass Hole Boardwalk
The signature photo-op of this bayside beach is the boardwalk that extends out over the surrounding salt marsh. If you go into any nature artist’s gallery in Cape Cod, you will more than likely find a painting or a photograph of this seemingly endless structure.This is my favorite image of the boardwalk. It was early on a beautiful August morning. I remember I loved the way the sun was hitting the boardwalk and making the grass glow, but in my first test shot, I could tell the contrast between the sky and shadow areas was too high. Luckily, HDR exists to help deal with such problems. I set up my camera to bracket +-2 stops and fired off a few sets. Once I found the composition I liked the most, I processed the three images in Photomatix and made further edits in Lightroom, Photoshop, and Nik Color Efex Pro until I was happy with the final image.
I would like to purchase the Bass Hole boardwalk photo to use for the Yarmouth Town Administrators note cards. How could I purchase a download?